Customized Programs

We know that each educational trip is a lifetime learning experience for Educators and students.

Team T-SOEL helps Educators and Schools to design an experiential learning trip that is a perfect fit for the curriculum goal. There are different ways to approach this customization process.

  • You can choose from our standard programs and customize it.
  • You share your wish list with us and we propose a program.
  • You can choose a topic and completely customize an Experiential learning program from scratch as per curriculum goal.

We help Schools create annual calendar for Experiential Learning as per NEP 2020. The calendar takes care of the complete basket of program planning, scheduling and execution.

  • Bag-less Days Planning & Schedule
  • Workshops to enhance hands on learning & Knowledge
  • Project based learning Programs
  • Adventure based Leadership & Life skills excursions
  • Skill Orientation for Skill Courses

To get started connect with us to fix up an appointment. Team T-SOEL makes all of this a possibility and works as an extended team to provide all the services at your school premises and beyond.

If you want to learn more schedule an appointment with our Experiential Learning Expert and get ready to make the world your classroom.

Life skills and self leadership help to find their north. An extremely important skillset to lead life with confidence, it unleashes hidden potential, decision making, social communication skills and critical thinking.

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