Sustainable Travel

Sustainable travel is all about achieving a balance between environment health, economic support, well-being and growth of local communities. T-SOEL focuses on reducing negative impacts and focuses on positive benefits for communities and ecosystems.

We propagate students to respect cultural diversity, develop environmental integrity, economic viability and take informed decisions. On all our Adventure expeditions we follow ‘Leave no trace behind’ policy. All the generated trash during our trips is disposed appropriately.

On all our trips we try to choose Eco-friendly accommodations, make use of environmental resources, purchase from local communities, avoid single use plastic and eat local food. We engage local people to generate employment for local communities.

We offer environmental safety and sustainability factors on all our trips, it gives them an opportunity to consider human impact on the planet. Students along with Educators explore ecotourism, green energy, conservation and global warming impact.

T-SOEL has a team of passionate travelers and educators, we understand that learning through travel has a greater impact on young minds. We constantly work towards becoming a more responsible travel provider. Our team and associates are committed to protect fragile landscapes, support local people and business and celebrate diversity of culture, languages and geography.

Connect with Team T-SOEL to become a School that advocates Sustainable travel, wants to become Plastic Clever School or wishes to become Environment Campion. We always welcome students to pick up challenges and join our crusade against single use plastic.

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